To anyone who’s ever said: “SHOULDA/COULDA/WOULDA” & thinks their dreams are not feasible, therefore not worth pursuing:


Perhaps you’ve made some bad life choices; a few missed opportunities…you’re a FAILURE! But not why you THINK you are! Keep reading !

I’m here to tell that YOU ARE the loser you think you are…Read article below!

Read Above!!!

NEVER forget to set your stop losses!! Do not let the greed/FOMO/FUD get you!

Safe trading everybody!

Remember, the world is yours.

Don’t let any “haters” make you believe otherwise.

Happy Friday Everyone!

Originally Published 04/15/2018, Revised / Edited 03/25/2022



Ahmed “m.T” Tarabichi🔮🧙‍♂️

Former Lead Marketer & Co-Founder of | Blockchain aficionado. Data Scientist & Analyst. Fintech 2013-P | FOREX 2014-P | Twitter: @crypt0w1zmt