More CARDANO News / Hindsight


Old TradingView Publication Rescinded 11/05/2020; reposted below for hindsight.

Expanding on the recent Stellar Lumens XLM publication — I thought it helpful to post a (long since taken down) publication a la TradingView (my very last one) in which I was spot on with my Forex fundamental analysis as well as the lengthy oped that followed beneath it, which unfortunately, none of you got to read…

But now you have a chance! Keep scrolling!

As you can see from the before && after, my technical analysis was SO SPOT ON that I literally had someone from the SEC/Treasury contact me at some point insinuating that I was “insider trading” when I was doing nothing more than what I’ve always done — provide consistent, accurate, and reliable information with heavily vetted sources for those seeking to integrate, expedite, or educate others in Digiassets.

Oped 1/3
Oped 2/3
Oped 3/3

There’s your hindsight, and an oped to boot.

  • Have a wonderful week everyone!
  • Ride the bull and remember to set your stop-losses!
  • Don’t Fear Of Missing Out && DON”T fud

News Update from 03/1/22 below.

(please defer to last publication on Stellar Lumens Xlm Stellar Xlm Stellar Xlm for the prequel to this publication/oped)

Peace & Love everyone!


  • Ahmed T.
  • Disclaimer

Note: This is strictly conjecture based on my own technical analysis and not any information based on any sources from the federal government/treasury dept / any institution of any form; this example is for educational purposes only and should not be relied upon for any other use. Please invest responsibly and make all decisions based on your head, not your gut.

These statements are not guarantees of future performance and undue reliance should not be placed on them. Such forward-looking statements necessarily involve known and unknown risks and uncertainties, which may cause actual performance and financial results in future periods to differ materially from any projections of future performance or result expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements.

Cardano News Update 03/01/2022



Ahmed “m.T” Tarabichi🔮🧙‍♂️

Former Lead Marketer & Co-Founder of | Blockchain aficionado. Data Scientist & Analyst. Fintech 2013-P | FOREX 2014-P | Twitter: @crypt0w1zmt